Drying Off Tips from Shane Leane, Progressive Genetics.
- Calving Date: Cows want minimum of 6-8 weeks to prepare for next lactation
- Lactation number: Focus on drying 1st lactation animals first 10-12 weeks dry to allow recovery.
- Body condition Score: Aim to dry off at BCS 3.0 to 3.25. Additional feeding may be required for thin cows
- Silage Quality should be assessed to ensure cows will calve at correct BCS
- High SCC cows should be identified for treatment

Dry Off- Procedure
- Do not during milking! – Mark & draft cows at milking for drying off when milking is finished
- Consider marking cows in evening & drafting in morning so fewer mistakes are made
- One person can dry off approx. 20 cows per hour
- Wash out parlour between batches for hygiene
- Gloves should be worn for hygiene
- Disinfect all teats thoroughly
- Use cotton wool soaked in meth or use wipes
- Concentrate on teat end- Disinfect FAR to NEAR
- Administer teat seal- NEAR to FAR
- Teat seal administered last
- With teat seal squeeze base as you administer & do NOT massage
- Teat dip or spray immediately after treatment
- Avoid cows lying down post treatment
- Keep recently dried cows away from parlour so noises etc. don’t stimulate milk production

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