When the bulk of calving is over, the focus quickly shifts to preparing for the breeding season.
At a time to consider Sire Advice & bull selection, it is also useful to record heat activity also.
If you see a cow or maiden heifer bulling it can be recorded quickly and easily as a heat in AgriNet HerdApp. In 18 days time the same cow will appear in a due to repeat list. More importantly there will be a list of cows not yet seen in heat but calved 42 days or more. These are the cows you may want to examine before the breeding season starts.
All fertility action lists are located in the Jobs List area of the Overview reports. Cows & maiden heifers are split in to different lists. Once an AI or stock bull serve is recorded in HerdApp, cows show up as required in due to repeat lists and due to pregnancy test lists.
HerdApp is ideally placed to track fertility for a cow from calving to next calving and to track fertility for a maiden heifer from birth to first calving.

Agrinet HerdApp provides great answers at a great price and is ideal for the calving and breeding season. To download the app visit the app stores on iPhone and Android and download the app to have a look using your own herd. All farmers get 1 month full free use of HerdApp before making a decision.