

Stay on top of your paperwork and make better herd management decisions, by using your phone, while outside, as it happens.
  • Avoid tiring office work
  • Access your data on the move
  • Pass your inspections with no stress
  • 25+ years of herd app experience
  • Only available in the Republic of Ireland - specialised for Irish farmers
Keep Track of Your Jobs List.
Up to 20 action lists are automatically updated by AgriNet HerdApp.

Benefits of using HerdApp

Choose your farm enterprises below to see the HerdApp features relevant to your farm.
Register Your Calves

Register a calf from the calving shed using your phone.

Fast Weight Recording

Quickly weigh animals, compare against targets and split the performers from the non-performers.

Get Movement Permits

Request a permit to move and receive animals into your herd.

Money from beef

Get help buying the right animal. Use ‘what-if’ options to max output/day for each animal on the farm. After the sale, see how you got on

Improve Your Herd Fertility

Know when your herd is due to calve, serve, repeat, scan, dry and much more.

Record Animal Remedies

Record drugs as it happens, at the crush, or in the shed.

Milk Recording

Instantly get milk recording and EBI data from ICBF. Monitor milk solids and SCC performance.

Pass Your Inspection

Instantly access all your audit reports, on your phone, ready for your inspector.

Get Help When You Need It

Receive help from our in house experts on app usage and passing inspections.

Bulk Tank

Auto load milk tank data from dairy co-ops. Monitor milk solids and SCC performance.

Approved by Bord Bia, Agfood, ICBF

Since HerdApp is only available in the Republic of Ireland, we create stronger connections with local organisations.

Selective Dry Cow Therapy

Use SCC and mastitis data to split cows for dry cow tubes vs teat sealers.

Works On Any Device

Responsive design allows the app to work across all devices at no additional cost.

Reporting for dairy

Access all data for each animal from stock analysis to fertility analysis and more.

Reporting for suckler beef

Instantly access all data for individual animals from vet inspection through to drug withdrawal and more.

Reporting for beef finishers

Easily access all data needed for each individual animal from stock analysis to beef margins and more.

Reporting for sheep

Instantly access all the sheep traceability data that is needed for your farm audits.

Reporting for tillage

Easily access all the tillage traceability data that is needed for your farm audits.

Our Story

Since 1994, we have been providing software to Irish farmers from our base in Kells, Co.Meath. We are passionate about helping farmers reduce their workload while achieving a more profitable farm.

That's why we launched AgriNet Grass in 2010 and AgriNet HerdApp in 2018. Both are user friendly farm management apps that make grass and herd management easier and more successful. Our experienced team are ready to help you get more benefit from your farm data.

Learn More
I would recommend HerdApp to any farmer that wants a time-saving and organised approach to managing their herd.
Mark Tully
Co. Louth
We've seen an improvement in our compact calving and accuracy when deciding if a cow is due to repeat. More cows are going in calf at the right time.
Harry Evans
Co. Meath

How to Get Started?

Download HerdApp
Create Your Account
Begin Your FREE Trial
Start Recording!

Start Your FREE Month Trial Now.

Get HerdApp today and explore the features that will benefit your farm.